Hot Weather! Hot Fishing and School of the Year Hotly contested. John Garrett and Kyle Palmer ready for a big weekend

Florence, Alabama (May 21) - Hot and sunny Florence, Alabama on the beautiful waters of Pickwick Lake. Nothing better that representing Bethel University with my partner Kyle in the 14th Annual BoatUS Collegiate Bass Fishing Championship presented by Bass Pro Shop...well, winning is better. Got a great day of practice with all the right equipment: Skeeter, Yahama, PowerPole, Strike King, Lews and, of course, a great pair of Costa shades.

Special thanks to Yamaha for putting on the Angler Appreciation Night. It was great to relax and take a break from practice and preparation before Thursday and Friday’s pressure packed tournament days. Practice days are just crazy for me. I get so focused on where to go, what to use and how’s the weather going to affect the bass. So it was a great night for everyone. And for me, I could unwind and think about something other than patterns, baits and rods selection.

A special thanks to all the sponsors for great products and support. Kyle and I were already instant winners, just competing; Bass Pro Shop gave us a $25.00 gift card. I think I’ll save mine for Father’s Day…who said anglers aren’t resourceful.

Honestly, everyone has a chance for a lot of swag, prizes and gifts. The host and sponsors make it so much fun being a part of BoatUS Collegiate Bass Fishing Series, and Florence Tourism certainly rolls out the red carpet for everyone.

Where: May 20-24, Pickwick Lake, Florence, Alabama
What: 14th Annual BoatUS Collegiate Bass Fishing Championship presented by Bass Pro Shop
Take-off: McFarland Park 6am
Weigh-in: McFarland Park 2pm